88NV Charts

Foreflight Content Pack


The following is a Foreflight Content Pack that will overlay the 88NV charts on top of the Foreflight on iOS.

Quick Start

Scan this on your iphone or ipad and it’ll install into foreflight (or click this link on your iOS device).

Scan to Install

After scanning:

  1. Close the Downloads window that opens
  2. Go to “More” (bottom right)
  3. Click “Custom Content” (middle of list)
  4. Click the little blue arrow next to “88NV”

The charts will be available when you click on procedure under the “88NV” airport. You can also find them in the content pack’s details page.


The content pack may be updated occasionally, you can do that with the following:

  1. Swipe left on “88NV”, and click “Delete”
  2. Click the little blue down arrow that says “Install” to the right of “88NV”

Technical Details

If you want to inspect the raw content pack, it is here:


Here is the source (please submit issues!):


Example Chart Overlay